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Identified Persons
J.Q.Smith; Major Edmond Mallet
Identified Places
Tulalip Agency
Major Edmond Mallet
Approximate Date
January 9, 1877
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Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs
Washington January 9th 1877
Edward Mallet Esq.
U.S. Indian Agent
Tulalip Agency
Washington Terriorty
Sir In reply to your letter of the 13th ultimo you
are advised that the Tulalip Indian Reservation
belongs to the Indians by virtue of the Treaty of Point
Elliott dated January 22, 1855 {Vol.12.p.927}
and the order of the President defining its limits,
December 23rd 1873 and is not subject to entry
or settlement by whites or any others than Indians.
Until a few years ago, Indians were privileged
to cut timber or wood from the reservation, but
the supreme Court of the United States has now
decided that there is no law granting that privilege
unless it be for the ulimate purpose of cultivating
the land. The Inidans have the sympathy
of the Office in the distress this decision brings
upon them but it has no power to arest the operations
of the law and relieve their necessities except to advise
them to cultivate their land, they will then be entitled
to the use or benefit of the timber required to be cut by
such cultivation. Unless your Indians will agree
to do this, you will demand that they comply with
the law and refrain from further cutting of timber.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Signed) J.Q. Smith
Washington "[?] 1292"
Recommended Citation
Edmond J. Mallet Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Government Relations with Native Americans, Native American Reservations, Office of Indian Affairs