
A collage of 3 photographs. The first image in the upper left corner is of President Taft arriving at the celebration. Taft is disembarking a ferry style boat. He is wearing a dark overcoat and a boater hat. He is shaking hands with another man dressed in the same manner. There are several men wearing elaborate military style uniforms standing near Taft. The middle image is a night-time photograph showing a street illuminated with lights extending across the street. The street is also decorated with American flag bunting. The street is lined with store fronts, and trolley track run down the middle of the street. The third image in the bottom right shows President Taft at the Champlain Yacht Club. Taft is walking across a wooden deck with the yacht club is behind him. There are many other men on the deck and Taft is being led by two men in elaborate military style uniforms. Each image is approximately 3.5" X 5".
Identified Persons
President William Taft; Samuel de Champlain
Identified Places
Lake Champlain; Burlington, Vermont
View Type
Accession Number
See additional file for information on back of photograph.
Reuse Permission
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
L'Union Saint-Jean-Baptiste Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Lake Champlain, yacht club