Submissions from 2019
Making Reading Relevant: Critical Thinking as Contemplative Practice, Kathleen M. Fisher
Rev. of The Word Enfleshed: Exploring the Person and Work of Christ by Oliver D. Crisp, Ty Monroe
Submissions from 2018
Rev. of Servitore di Dio e dell'umanità: La biografia di Benedetto XVI by Elio Guerriero, Matthew C. Briel
Submissions from 2016
Further Thoughts on James V. Schall, S.J., Marc D. Guerra
Moderating the Magnanimous Man: Aquinas on Greatness of Soul, Marc D. Guerra
Scientist, Scholar, Soul, Marc D. Guerra
Submissions from 2015
The Place of Liberal Education in Higher Education, Marc D. Guerra
Submissions from 2014
Pierre Manent and the Dialectics of Augustine's The City of God, Marc D. Guerra
Submissions from 2013
The University in a Pluralistic Society, Marc D. Guerra
Submissions from 2011
Dante Is From Mars, Marc A. LePain
Submissions from 2004
Profiles in American Thomism, Marc D. Guerra
Submissions from 2002
Prudence and the Legislative Art in Book II of Aristotle's Politics, Marc D. Guerra
Tra Feltro e Feltro: Whence Dante's Greyhound?, Marc A. LePain
Submissions from 2001
Christianity's Epicurean Temptation, Marc D. Guerra
The Affirmation of Genuine Human Dignity, Marc D. Guerra