Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Published In
6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS)
Network, Self-organization, Complex system, Organization, Quantitative measure, Principle of least action, Principle of stationary action, Attractor, Progressive development, Acceleration
Quantity of organization in complex networks here is measured as the inverse of the average sum of physical actions of all elements per unit motion multiplied by the Planck’s constant. The meaning of quantity of organization is the number of quanta of action per one unit motion of an element. This definition can be applied to the organization of any complex system. Systems self-organize to decrease the average action per element per unit motion. This lowest action state is the attractor for the continuous self-organization and evolution of a dynamical complex system. Constraints increase this average action and constraint minimization by the elements is a basic mechanism for action minimization. Increase of quantity of elements in a network, leads to faster constraint minimization through grouping, decrease of average action per element and motion and therefore accelerated rate of self-organization. Progressive development, as self-organization, is a process of minimization of action.
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© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2012.
Recommended Citation
Georgi Georgiev. A Quantitative Measure, Mechanism and Attractor for Self-Organization in Networked Complex Systems. Fernando A. Kuipers; Poul E. Heegaard. 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS), Mar 2012, Delft, Netherlands. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS-7166, pp.90-95, 2012, Self-Organizing Systems.