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Identified Persons
Baily Gatzert; Chilberg Brothers; E.A.Hayt; Hall, Paulson and Company; J.L. Brittain; M.L. Cavanaugh; Major Edmond Mallet; Schwabacher Brothers
Identified Places
Tulalip Agency; Tulalip Indian School
Approximate Date
November 24, 1877
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Copy of orginal letter.
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Scanned from a photograph at 400 dpi in TIFF format using a Nikon D800, and imported as JPEG2000 using CONTENTdm's software JPEG2000 Extension. 2015
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Tulalip Special Agency Tulalip Wash Ter. Nov 24, 1877
Hon E.A. Hayt
Commissioner of Ind Affairs
In compliance with instructions contained in your letter of September 28th 1877, I published an advertisement inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the articles enumerated in said letter, and on November the 15th I opened the the bids. Bids were received for all the articles except the ventilators for stovepipes.
Only one bid was received for the horses and after examining one of the animals and questioning the the bidder about the other, I told him, that he might enter into the contract or not, as he pleased, but that I would be compelled to recommend that the horses be not accepted, as they are almost worthless, being diseased and old. Upon this he thought it useless to execute a contract.
I send herewith the contracts entered into with Messrs. Schwabacher, Bros. and Co., Hall, Paulson and Co., Chilberg Bros., M.L. Cavanaugh and J.L. Brittain and recommend their approval. The contract of Schwabacher Bros. and Co. does not conform strictly to the "Instructions" because the four partners are scattered over the country, and it is impossible to obtain their individual signatures. I have, therefore caused Mr. Baily Gatzert, the Seattle member of the firm, to enter into two contracts - one for his firm and the other for himself. You may decide which of the two you will accept and approve.
I express the opinion that all the bids were fair and the prices reasonable; but I beg to repeat that the advertising for and making of a contract for a 1/4 ream of note paper, and six smoothing iron stands, and the like, is absurd and calculated to bring the Indian service into ridicule and contempt
Most respectfully,
(signed) Edmond Mallet,
Recommended Citation
Edmond J. Mallet Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Government Relations with Native Americans, Native American Reservations, Office of Indian Affairs