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Identified Persons
H.L. Muldrow; Horace R. Chase; Major Edmond Mallet
Identified Places
Genoa Indian Industrial School; Genoa, Nebraska
Major Edmond Mallet
Approximate Date
March 12, 1889
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Scanned from a photograph at 400 dpi in TIFF format using a Nikon D800, and imported as JPEG2000 using CONTENTdm's software JPEG2000 Extension. 2015
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Department of the Interior
Washington, March 12, 1889.
Edmond Mallet, Esq.,
U.S. Indian Inspector
Genoa, Nebraska
I am in receipt of your communication of 8th instant relative
to the private books and papers belonging to Mr. Chase,
Superintendent of the Genoa Indian School, which you state illustrate
the suspended Superintendent's method of falsifying accounts, and
asking instructions as to forwarding the same to the Department
with your report.
In response there to you are directed that such books and
papers in your possession relating to the matters of the Genoa
Indian Training School, which you have been and are investigating,
as are necessary for the proper understanding of your report to be
made, should be forwarded to the Department therewith.
Your report and all accompanying documents should be sent to
the Department by mail, registered if necessary. Any express
charges incurred by you should be prepaid.
Very respectively,
H.L. Muldrow
1st Assistant Secretary.
1235, Ind. Div. '89.
Recommended Citation
Edmond J. Mallet Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Agency supplies, Government Relations with Native Americans, Native American Schools, Native American Reservations