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Identified Persons
Major Edmond Mallet; Willie McCloskey
Identified Places
Tulalip Indian School; Tulalip Mission; Washington Territory
Major Edmond Mallet
Approximate Date
January 1, 1877
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Scanned from a photograph at 400 dpi in TIFF format using a Nikon D800, and imported as JPEG2000 using CONTENTdm's software JPEG2000 Extension. 2015
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Tulalip Mission Jan, 1, 1877
Major E.J. Mallet
Dear Sir!
My Dear Sir
I wish you a happy new year I am much pleased to know Sir that you have a good heart for the poor Indians in telling them to be good and fulfill all their dutys[sic] but the principal[sic] thing that I am very glad of is that you take great interest in the poor Indians and in the School children and it made me very glad to hear you speak so good and kind to us on Christmas night. May God bless you is the fervent Prayer of
Very truly Yours
and very obediently
Willie McCloskey
Recommended Citation
Edmond J. Mallet Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Native American Schools, Native American Reservations