Identified Persons
A-chil-ty; A-Chit-ter-wax; Cha-cha-goots; Cha-lit-coos-sah; Charley; Cla-yut-chy; Frank; Ka-ra-ser; Ka-ra-so; One Man; Skaw-acer; Tau-hau; To-he-nah; Yellow Fish
Identified Places
Anadarko Indian Territory; Kiowa, Comanche and Wichita Agency at Anadarko
Secretary of the Interior
Approximate Date
July 25, 1889
Original Item Medium
Accession Number
Folder Name
Inspection_of_the_Kiowa,_Comanche _and_Wichita_Agency_at_Anadarko_(1889)
Digital Reproduction Information
Scanned from a photograph at 400 dpi in TIFF format using a Nikon D800, and imported as JPEG2000 using CONTENTdm's software JPEG2000 Extension. 2015
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Kiowa Com [Comanche] & Wichita Agency, Ind. [Indian]Ter. [Territory]
Anadarko, O. [Oklahoma] T. [Territory] July 25th 1889
To the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington, D.C.
Sir: In compliance with Sec. III, Rules and Regulations for the government
of the Indian Polic Service, I forward herewith a Descriptive Statement
of certain changes in the Police Force at this Agency, which I propose
to make, a subject to your approval.
U.S. Indian Agent
DESCRIPTIVE STATEMENT of Proposed Changes in the Indian Police Force at Agency,
Submitted , 188_, by _____, U.S. Indian Agent
Recommended Citation
Edmond J. Mallet Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Native American Police Officers, Native American Employees at Reservations, Native American Reservations, Office of Indian Affairs, Kiowa Tribe, Comanche Tribe, Wichita Tribe