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Identified Persons
Ambrose; Major Edmond Mallet
Identified Places
Tulalip Indian School; Tulalip Mission
Major Edmond Mallet
Approximate Date
January 1, 1877
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Tulalip Mission School, Jan. 1st 1877.
To Major E.J. Mallet
Indian Agent, W.T.
Dear Sir!
I take the pleasure of writing a few lines to you to express my most profound respect and hearty thanks towards you.
I feel very grateful towards you, dear sir, for having been so kind as to appoint me your interpreter. I therefore promise that I will serve your faithfully as much as possible by and through the grace of God.
This being the happy occasion of New Year's day I feel very happy and wish you a merry, happy and blessed New Year
May God bless your endeavors for the civilization of the poor Indians of this place, and may you see many a happy New Year, is the fervent wish and prayer of your
Most obedient servant
Recommended Citation
Edmond J. Mallet Collection. French Institute at Assumption University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Native American Schools, Native American Reservations