Graduation Year


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Faculty Advisor

Christopher J. Gilbert


The purpose of this study is to examine musician’s potential to conduct positive social change because of their ability to connect multiple social distinctions. This study will highlight a number of social distinctions that musicians encounter throughout their career and how they either become well-placed individuals through the linkage of these distinctions, or link social distinctions due to their power status. In addition, this study is meant to stand as a testament to the power of musicians and music to conduct effective social change through active and creative means versus those of other well-placed individuals in society, for example politicians, actors, authors or even activists. Furthermore, this study focuses on the career of a musician who has been labeled as a “trailblazer” and “music outsider” due to her unapologetic behavior and work. This artist also takes very uncustomary routes for conducting change and is still a contemporary voice involved with social activism. For these reasons, including the number of social distinctions encountered in her career, this artist was chosen to be a centerpiece of the explanation concerning musicians and social change. In this study, the artist whose career serves as an example of the linkage of social distinctions is known as Alecia Beth Moore, or P!NK to the entertainment world. Portions of the study will also explain how P!NK differs from similar artists in the music industry and their capacity to conduct social change.
